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Avaya 9620C Phone Handset

The Avaya 9620C IP phone is one of the mid range models in the large 9600 IP series lineup. It’s designed with everyday users in mind and is easy to use with a colour screen and optional Gigabit connectivity via an adaptor. For more detailed information about the 9620C phone please read below.

Avaya 9620C Phone Handset (Executive SIP phone)

In our opinion the Avaya 9620C IP handset is not the best buy in the Avaya 9600 IP series.  It's more expensive than the 9621G IP Phone and all you really get is the ability to choose from a range of phone colours — grey, red, yellow, blue, white and silver.  Although the screen is colour it’s not a touch screen and there are also less administrative buttons (12 versus 24 on the 9621G).  Is a different colour handset really worth a little more, even less, than the brilliant 9621G?  Unless your company is into corporate colours and branding the logical answer would have to be no.  There is also a 9620L IP Phone is virtually identical the only differences being a greyscale screen and no option of a gigabit adaptor.

We suggest you look at the Avaya 9600 series comparison chart at the bottom of the page to see what we’re talking about and work out what’s best for your own requirements.

That said, in isolation, the 9620 phone is very easy to use and the colour screen makes everything easily identifiable and quick to find.

The Avaya 9620 phone comes with wideband audio technology to offer a natural sounding premium IP quality.  Without wideband, IP telephony can sound a fraction less natural as the audio frequency range is narrower and suppressed.

An intuitive colour display means you can navigate the 9620 handset functions easier than the monochrome screens on cheaper Avaya IP models. You also have 4 soft keys below the display that are context sensitive. This simply means that for different phone functions it will present the most logical, intelligent options to make day-to-day use even easier.  For example, if you’re retrieving your voicemail it will present the options on screen above the keys as play, delete, replay, save etc.

In a typical 10/100 MB environment rollout we would only recommend the 9620L IP Phone when handset colour, not functionality, is an overriding consideration.  The cheaper 9608 is still a smart choice for 10/100MB applications or going to the 9611G (10/100/Gig) for companies operating Gigabit environments and for colour options try the 9620L.  Whichever IP handsets you choose you can also mix and match from any of the Avaya IP or phone handsets in any of the budget or premium series.

Like all IP handsets, the Avaya 9620C phone allows you to plug it into any Ethernet port that is connected to the Avaya IP Office 500 V9.0 and will automatically authenticate.  This makes staff moves very easy because you simply BYO IP handset and away you go.  Your extension number and your all user preferences are also instantly reinstated.  This also works for staff moving between office locations — they simply log on to an available IP phone.

To experience the Avaya 9620C IP handset firsthand, give our friendly staff a call today and arrange a no-obligation demonstration.  We look forward to showing you how an Avaya IP phone system can transform your business.

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